Expert Policy Analysis & Strategy


Customized Deliverables.

My work is customized to every client. I offer a broad array of skills and services to help you achieve your mission.


Policy Analysis

Policy translation

I speak bureaucracy so you don’t have to. I can help you translate your ideas, research, or objectives into the Texas policy context.

Advocacy support

I work with public affairs firms and their clients who need extra support during a push to achieve or avoid policy changes.

Government oversight Process

I can navigate you through a Sunset review or other government oversight process. I also consult on the mechanics of implementing effective oversight programs.

Strategic Projects

stakeholder negotiation & facilitation

I am an experienced interviewer and group facilitator who can help pinpoint root causes of discord, draw out areas of agreement, propose solutions, and create a deliberative process to “get to yes.”

analysis & REPORT Writing

I can research, write, edit, and deliver internal or external reports that clearly frame issues and communicate a message to a wide audience.

project Management

Whether a short-term, high-stakes project needing an extra set of hands or a crisis situation needing life support, I will develop a project management strategy, stay cool under pressure, and be a steady hand to see your deliverable to the finish line.

Organizational Development

strategic planning

I can manage the entire process to ensure input and buy-in from leadership, staff, and key stakeholders. I will deliver a beautiful, well-written report meaningful to your organization’s mission and not just another spiral-bound doorstop.

organizational health assessments

I follow an objective, structured process based on my work on 20+ top-to-bottom reviews of state programs for the Texas Legislature. I will help you understand your blind spots and provide constructive feedback and an action plan focused on real results for your mission.

leadership development & coaching

Management consulting guru Peter Drucker famously said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” I have a unique perspective on culture and leadership from my own leadership roles and from working with a wide range of elected officials, appointed boards, executives, and industry leaders.